How to know you drink too much coffee

How to know you drink too much coffee -

In a world where the buzz of coffee is as common as the morning sunrise, it's easy to overlook the fine line between a helpful boost and excessive intake. Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the intriguing world of coffee - a staple in many of our daily routines, from the morning cup to the afternoon pick-me-up.

This post aims to shed light on how to recognize when your coffee habit is no longer serving you but potentially hindering your health and well-being. We'll explore what coffee really does to your body, the tell-tale signs of overconsumption, and how to know if your relationship with coffee needs a second look. 

So, whether you're sipping on your third espresso, looking for coffee alternative, considering a caffeine cutback or googling how coffee can be problematic, join us on this eye-opening journey towards a more balanced and informed approach to coffee. 

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a natural stimulant most commonly found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cacao pods. This psychoactive substance is widely consumed globally in various forms, such as in coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, and even chocolate. It's popular for its ability to ward off drowsiness and improve concentration.

Upon consumption, caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the brain where it blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine. This blockage leads to an increase in other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine, which enhances neuron firing. The result is increased alertness and energy. However, excessive consumption can lead to side effects such as restlessness, jittery, insomnia, heart palpitations, and upset stomach.

Caffeine also has a significant place in various cultures, often associated with social rituals like morning coffee breaks or afternoon tea. Its popularity is not just due to its stimulant effects but also because of its role in social interaction and tradition. In modern culture, coffee is often linked with fun meetings with friends and managing the demands of busy lifestyles. In more traditional settings, for example, in South America, Yerba Mate tea is a ritual for grounding, improved health and longevity.

Recognizing coffee overconsumption

Due to demanding lifestyles, many people heavily rely on coffee to boost their energy and focus. The reliance on multiple cups of coffee or energy drinks each day has become common to meet the demands of daily life. However, this often overshadows the importance of aligning with our natural biorhythm and internal clock, crucial for managing energy levels and overall well-being. It's vital to strike a balance between coffee consumption and nurturing our body's innate rhythms.

Overconsumption of coffee can lead to various symptoms, including insomnia, nervousness, jitteriness, restlessness, stomach upset, rapid heartbeat, and muscle tremors. In some individuals, even moderate amounts can trigger these effects, indicating a lower tolerance for caffeine.

What to do with coffee?

Caffeine in coffee has up to a 9 hour half-life which means that after drinking a cup of coffee, 9 hours later half of this caffeine can still be in your system. Now, if you drink a cup of coffee at 5pm, half of the caffeine will still be in your system when you should be in your deep sleep, resting and regenerating. This hits hard, we know.

We know what some of you might be thinking - you can drink a cup of coffee and go to sleep. True, it depends on how fast your liver metabolizes caffeine and some people do have a fast metabolism. But the majority of us will be lying in bed wide awake if we drink a cup of coffee too late in the day. The thing many people don’t realize is that even if you’re able to fall asleep after a cup of coffee, the quality of your sleep will suffer at some point. With our habits we all train our body and internal clock and if we train it to consistently get a cup of coffee, every single day, more cups a day, even in the evening or right after we wake up, our body finds it hard to function normally when we don’t get it. And that way we drain the body and deprive it of its natural potential to provide us with the energy we need.

So, without further ado, here are some very useful strategies to manage your caffeine intake:

  • Wait 1-2 hours after waking up before consuming caffeinated drinks to allow your body's natural awakening process.
  • Avoid caffeine after 4pm to minimize its impact on sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as dehydration can often be mistaken for tiredness.
  • Be conscious of your reasons for consuming caffeine and try to address underlying issues like stress or fatigue.
  • Switch to healthy coffee alternative like MagicRooty that doesn’t cause dependence or negative side effects of coffee like jittery, restlessness, stress, anxiety and heart palpitations

Coffee offers a quick energy boost but often leads to energy crashes. In contrast, MagicRooty provides sustained energy without crashes or jitters, making it a holistic choice for wellness and energy needs because of its natural gems, like adaptogen herbs and medicinal mushrooms that support our body and mind not deprive it.

In general, a cup of coffee contains 80-100 mg of caffeine and MagicRooty contains only 50 mg of caffeine that comes from Yerba Mate tea which has a completely different mechanism of action. This potent nootropic contains the optimal dosage of caffeine and theobromine to give you the needed energy boost without the side effects.

And that's a wrap on our caffeine adventure! Navigating the world of caffeine can be quite the rollercoaster ride. But let’s admit it, we often grab a cup of coffee just because we need something warm to drink, or because we're meeting friends at a bar and don't know what else to order. 

Yet, we all know that our health is our wealth. To be productive, energized, and feel good, we must invest in our habits. That's where MagicRooty comes in. It's designed to shake up your caffeine routine, offering an energizing, delicious, and warm drink. It provides the short-term energy and focus-boosting effects without compromising your well-being in the long term. The more you drink it, the better you feel!

Here’s to finding your happy, jitter-free, delicious cup of something - cheers (with a MagicRooty cup, perhaps?)!

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